Facility Condition Assessments – Upcoming Site Visits
Aug 01, 2023 | 7:07 am
The FCA will cover all major buildings on the Urbana campus and provide the first comprehensive review of systems and equipment since 2003.

Dear Campus Community,
Higher education continues to transform rapidly, with cutting-edge technologies, modernized learning environments, and enrollment growth. The university’s ability to uphold and further its reputation as a premier institution with global impact necessitates upgrading the condition, quality, functionality, energy efficiency, accessibility, and safety of facilities to keep pace.
In May, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees approved a comprehensive facility condition assessment (FCA) for the entire U of I System. This new initiative will cover all major buildings on the Urbana campus and provide the first comprehensive review of systems and equipment since 2003. Cannon Design is the firm hired to perform the assessment.
The Deferred Maintenance team in our Capital Programs division is preparing to schedule initial site visits for the FCA. They will coordinate with facility managers, building users, and Cannon Design. The evaluation of building systems will include the following:
- Architectural
- Structural
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Life Safety
- Elevators
The knowledge and expertise of the facility management personnel will be a valuable component of the assessment. Your assistance with providing building access, sharing information, and completing a facility survey is critical. This in-depth look will enhance our ability to prioritize work based on existing conditions, develop future improvement projects across campus, and maximize the impact of deferred maintenance funding. As a part of the FCA, an asset management database will also be established to assist with planning projects and tracking the progress of renewal or repair activities. The process, including inspections, reports, and database creation, is expected to begin in August and continue through Fall 2024.
For questions about the FCA, including scheduling updates, please contact Architect, Capital Maintenance Planning, Maranna Binder mbinder@illinois.edu, 217-333-1562.
We look forward to collaborating with you on this initiative to help revitalize facilities and support life-changing and experiential learning experiences for current and future generations of Illini to learn, educate, and lead.
Ehab Kamarah, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director, Facilities & Services