Service Office
The Service Office processes service requests, outages, and utility locates for the campus. The Service Office receives more than 190 work requests per day and averages 10 outage requests and 15 locates per day.

Service Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
After normal work hours, trouble calls transfer to Public Safety Dispatch.
Work Order requests are received via:
- Online Service Request
- Phone
- Walk-In
Working with the Service Office
Preferred Method for Requesting Service
In a critical situation, which requires immediate action, or for any problem regarding an elevator or gas odor, the online request form should NOT be used. Call the Service Office (SO). In all other instances, use the my.FS Portal ( During urgent/extreme situations, the SO experiences a high volume of calls. At those peak times, the SO must keep conversations brief to respond to as many customers as possible.
Entering a Request
When making a request, provide as much detail as possible. The more information the SO receives, the better they can properly determine which shop should respond.
Be prepared to provide the following:
- Affected building name or location number
- Specific room/hallway/area in building
- NetID, name, and phone number of the Primary Contact
- Description of the needed work
- Department charge number (if work is determined to be a departmental responsibility)
Status Checks
Status checks are updated information provided from planners and foremen, normally distributed via email to the SO. The SO will provide updates on existing work orders. Please remember the SO does not determine the work schedule or the personnel sent to perform the work.
Processing Service Requests
When a service request is received, it may take the SO several minutes to
- Determine if the request is a departmental responsibility or an F&S responsibility
- Decide if the request needs to be dispatched
- Select which shop will do the work
- Dispatch the request to the appropriate craft or trade if necessary
- Create a work order for the request
Based on customer information, the SO determines which craft or trade will be sent out using the guidelines from trade unions, Civil Service, and craft jurisdictions.