
Recently, several contractor and university vehicles have illegally passed MTD buses on Gregory Drive near the Main Library (see an example above). These improper and irresponsible actions in no-passing zones compromise pedestrian safety and must be ended immediately. 

Per State law, vehicles cannot cross a double yellow line to pass another vehicle, including stopped buses. If traveling in this area, vehicle operators should always slow down, use caution, and watch for increased pedestrian and vehicular traffic, especially near the bus shelter and crosswalk adjacent to David Kinley Hall.

While using vehicles to perform work on campus, the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is paramount. Thank you for helping protect the well-being of others at the university by following driving laws at all times.

For updated street closures and reroute information, visit For questions, contact Transportation Systems Manager Stacey DeLorenzo, 217-300-1750.

Related Providers

Transportation Demand Management

Transportation demand managment represents and coordinates all campus modes of transportation with an emphasis on safety and sustainability. The department works cooperatively with a number of university and regional partners to integrate multiple transportation modes.

Biker and MTD bus on Goodwin Ave.